Radiator Maintenance Essentials: Keep Your Car Cool with 34th Street Garage Auto Repair in Seattle

Maintaining your vehicle’s radiator is crucial to prevent overheating under the hood. However, wear and tear or damage to hoses, fittings, and water pumps can occur due to various factors. Faulty thermostats, weakened seams, and rusting components may also contribute to radiator irregularities. Don’t worry if you suspect something needs fixing – simply visit our shop to get your engine running at its best again!

If your car is more than 10 years old, it could be a time bomb for radiator problems! Don’t wait for major issues to arise before coming to us. If any symptoms arise, we’ll thoroughly inspect the entire system to identify possible hose and water flow restrictions, fitting breakdowns, or cracks. Being prepared now will save you headaches in the future – that’s what friends are for!

Common radiator problems include coolant leaks from the seams between the plastic tank and aluminum core, as well as clogging due to neglected radiator antifreeze servicing.

In car accidents, the radiator is often the first mechanical component to sustain damage since it is located behind the bumper.

In the past, radiators could be repaired as they were made with brass and copper and had lead soldering at the tank seams. However, modern radiators, found mostly in classic cars, are made with plastic tanks and aluminum cores. When these radiators clog or leak, replacement is the only option.

At 34th Street Garage Auto Repair in Seattle, we understand the importance of keeping your vehicle in top shape. Our ASE-Certified Master Mechanics are skilled in Total Car Care and cooling problems. And when you bring your car to us for repair, you won’t have to worry about being without a vehicle for long. Our fast service will get you back on the road quickly, so your work, shopping, or play isn’t interrupted too much. Our loyal customers keep coming back because they know their cars and trucks are safe with us!

If your car is acting up and you’re in a bind, give us a call. We’ll swiftly diagnose the issue and provide top-notch parts and service that won’t leave you frustrated like a radiator on the brink of overheating.