Is your car feeling more like a bumpy roller coaster lately? It might be time to repair or replace your shocks or struts. Signs that you need assistance include jerking movements on the road, cupped tire treads after hitting bumps, and difficulty controlling your lane changes. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered at 34th Street Garage. Our AAA-approved master mechanics with ASE certifications are experts in all types of suspension problems. Say goodbye to worn-out shocks or struts and hello to a smooth and comfortable ride!

Tired of your ride feeling like a roller coaster? Check out your shocks or struts! They work hard to remove the bounces and jostles from rough roads. As they wear down over time (usually around 90k miles), you’ll notice a loss of smoothness. Stay safe and comfortable by following manufacturer guidelines and checking your shocks and struts annually. Embrace the joy of driving with new shocks or struts!

Think of your struts and shocks as bodyguards for your tires, protecting them from everyday bumps and jumps. The McPherson strut suspension system, the most common type of strut, combines coil springs with shocks into one unit. While they may be pricier, they are also known to last longer. Keep your tire’s guards strong by doing an annual inspection on your struts and shocks. Consult your owner’s manual for more information.

At 34th Street Garage Auto Repair, we prioritize the safety and comfort of your vehicle. Our certified mechanics are here to ensure your car, truck, or minivan stays in top shape on the road. That’s why we recommend having your coil springs checked annually. Coil springs play a crucial role in providing a smooth ride. Don’t miss out on this essential maintenance check and enjoy a seamless journey on the streets for years to come. If you encounter a bumpy road, give us a call and we’ll get you back on track in no time!